As we work with teachers during professional development sessions, we often share web tools that support many curricular subjects.  Many teachers haven’t heard of these web tools, and frankly, there are so many out there, teachers just don’t have time to search for them.

StarrMatica is committed to putting quality digital content in the hands of elementary teachers.  Part of that content includes best-of-the-web resources so StarrMatica teachers never have to do a Google search for content.  That’s why, in August, we added Web Tools to our best-of-the-web collection.  These additions included tools for Teaching, Collaboration, Presentation, and Creation.

Teaching tools help teachers to instruct using technology.  For example, a teacher may use Wordle to help students analyze a text for main ideas.

Collaboration tools help teachers encourage students to collaborate on projects.  For example, a teacher may use Wall Wisher to encourage students to respond to each other’s work or to brainstorm ideas.

Presentation tools help teachers provide students with different ways to present their learning.  For example, a teacher may show a student how to use Primary Source to create a movie using Primary Sources.

Students can create their own movies using Zimmer Twins.

Creation tools help teachers give students ways to use technology to create projects to showcase their knowledge.  For example, a teacher may show a student how to use the Zimmer Twins to create an animated movie highlighting grammar rules, a book they have read, or a topic they want to share with others in a creative way.

120 web tools can now be explored in our grade level, subject, and topic search.  Do you know of a great ad-free, no-signup required web tool we haven’t included?  Leave a comment or drop us an email and we’ll add it to the collection!