Develop scientific thinking
& an engineering mindset
every day.
Limited science time?
Our K-5 Cross-curricular Connections Kit
combines all of StarrMatica’s research-based content to help you
develop the scientific thinking and engineering mindset
of every student every day.

Encourage scientific thinking throughout your day – during ELA, centers, & small bits of time.
Engage students with easy-to-use 5-15 minute activities that address science and ELA standards simultaneously.
Benefit from the kit’s one-of-a-kind dual focus on materials for students and professional learning to empower you with the most
impactful science teaching skills.

Nonfiction Science Picture Book Guides
This ebook contains 600+ STEM picture book guides
organized by NGSS performance expectation.
Each guide features
crosscutting concept and
science focused discussion
questions, related phenomena, and a STEM activity

Virtual Science Coach Professional Learning
300+ on-demand video, audio
and text files created by
university professors help
educators to improve their
science pedagogy over an
extended period of time.
Requiring 20 minutes or less,
each resource focuses on a skill research has shown will have the greatest impact on student

StarrMatica Science Your Way Leveled Texts
500+ science nonfiction
texts aligned to the NGSS and highlighting STEM careers help
educators integrate reading
and science.
Each text is written at six
different reading levels and includes a writing prompt, a graphic organizer, and a comprehension quiz.

Stem Bellringer and Center Activities
100 engaging activities make it
easy for educators to
emphasize scientific thinking
and an engineering mindset
every day because they:
- require 5 to 10 minutes and minimal to no supplies
- develop writing skills
- foster the 21st century skills of communication,
collaboration, critical
thinking, and creativity

Want to improve your science instruction without a large time commitment?
Schedule one day of in-person or virtual professional development to increase the impact of your cross-curricular kit and receive an entire a year of sustained virtual support.
View our cross-curricular kit guide to learn more:
contact us for a customized quote