Meet Tararra Babaz. She teaches at T.S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School in Lake Charles, LA. She teaches 4th grade Social Studies and ELA to two classes totaling 50 students Tararra has been using StarrMatica in her classroom since the beginning of this school year, and has presented a break-out session about how she uses our content in her classroom at a regional conference. Here is how she uses our content in her own words:
I have really enjoyed using this resource thus far. We have only skimmed the surface of all StarrMatica has to offer us.
I use StarrMatica in a whole group setting with my students when I am introducing a new skill to them. Together we will watch the video and teaching lessons as well as completing a practice or enrichment together which allows me to see how well the students are understanding. Students also use StarrMatica individually in our computer lab. There, students work on practice and complete assessments to reinforce the current skill.
StarrMatica solves the problem of searching for resources and keeping my students engaged. I am easily able to look for a specific skill which in return cuts down on extra planning on my part.
StarrMatica lessons and practice allow for me to replace the use of workbook pages and worksheets therefore keeping my students engaged and involved.
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