Looking for yet another reason to justify the use of StarrMatica in your classroom?  Then check out our monograph:  Enriching Teaching and Learning in a New Age of Standards, Instruction, and Technology:  The Rationale for StarrMatica Learning Systems.

The monograph outlines how StarrMatica is a primary solution for comprehensive, integrated, online digital learning content that meets the challenges of rigorous standards; aligned curriculum, instruction and assessment; and expanding technology to increase academic achievement.

It is authored by noted education researcher Rick Noeth who has worked for the Educational Testing Service, National Center for Education Statistics/U.S. Department of Education, National Academy of Sciences, and ACT.  He is the author or co-author of over 120 books, reports, articles, chapters, guides, and papers in the areas of educational policy, teaching and learning, assessment, academic preparation and transitions, and program evaluation. His Ph.D. is from Purdue University where he was named the tenth Distinguished Alumnus in the College of Education.

You can view and download the monograph on our Research Page.