Upgrade your science texts
(and social studies, too!)
Science Texts
Click a book to the right to access the lowest and highest Lexile levels of one of our high-interest science informational texts. You can preview:
Why Do I Live Here? (K-ESS3-1) – Why do deer live in places with trees?
Just Like Animals (1-LS1-1) – How can acting like an animal help us?
Seeds Everywhere (2-LS2-1) – What is the purpose of seeds?
Safety in Numbers (3-LS2-1) – Why do some animals live together in groups?
Stunning Sinkholes (4-ESS2-1) – How can sinkholes suddenly appear out of nowhere?
Keeping Track of Your Shadow (5-ESS1-2) – Have you ever wondered why shadows look different at different times of day?
Social Studies Texts
Click a book to the left to access the lowest and highest Lexile levels of one of our high-interest social studies informational texts. You can preview:
Farm to Market – How do stores get fresh fruits and veggies when it is winter?
Tools of Technology – How can the past help us predict the future? How have past inventions impacted your daily life?
Farms Made of Dust and Selling Bird Poop: Exploring Why People Move – Why do people move? How do they decide where to go?
Chew On This – Why are there many different varieties of some products but not others?
Significant Moments and People in Disability History – What roles and responsibilities do citizens have to take on in order to affect change? Which tactics are the most successful in affecting change?
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