core imageStarrMatica’s new magazine, Digital Content and the Core, has launched!

The creation of this magazine sprung from conversations with educators across the country faced with the challenge of implementing the Common Core.  Educators shared that they were overwhelmed by the largeness of the task of implementing the Core with fidelity and felt pressure to achieve immediate success.  Educators also shared the concern that they had a lack of knowledge about what role digital content should play in a Common Core classroom.

It is to address that concern and to provide a touchstone along each school’s digital content journey that our magazine was born.  The articles within are a culmination of 9 years of partnership with tens of thousands of educators we have worked alongside, extensive Common Core training, and targeted research.  It is our sincere hope that this information will help educators use digital content to assist in the success of their Common Core transition, and it will be a resource for years to come as they grow in their knowledge of effective digital content integration

Articles in the magazine include:

  • 5 Common Core Instructional Shifts to Master
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy for a Digital Age
  • Digital Content for STEM
  • The #1 Reason to Give Students Screen Time
  • 12 Must Ask Questions Before Investing in Digital Content
  • and much more..

You can access the online magazine by clicking the link below:

And for our Iowa members, here is the Iowa Core version:

And for our Virginia members, here is the SOL version:
