In our Common Questions series, StarrMatica’s CEO, Emily Starr, answers some of the questions we are most commonly asked.

How are your standards aligned?

In one sentence:  They are aligned the hard way!  Instead of relying on an automated alignment system like most software and publishing companies use, StarrMatica’s standards are aligned line by line by educators.  We go through each benchmark (or essential skill, or whatever the most narrow category is called—because it is different for different standards sets) line by line and align StarrMatica content to each benchmark.  This is a long and tedious process, but it results in content that is more closely and accurately aligned to standards than what is possible with an automated system.

Our textbook alignments are similarly thorough.  We obtain the teacher manuals for each series from the publishers and go through page by page to align StarrMatica content to each lesson.

While this means it may take a week to get a new state aligned or a month to get a new textbook aligned, we know it is worth your wait time and our work time to produce alignments of the highest quality.