This is the final in a series of six posts dedicated to Bloom’s Taxonomy: Teaching Higher Order Thinking Skills with Interactive Online Content. Five previous posts on remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, and evaluating  can be viewed hereherehere, here, and here.

Level Six: Create

This level includes the skills of constructing, designing, developing, and formulating. Students are asked to create, invent, and produce new products from original ideas.

Here are four examples of online activities for creating:




K-2 – Note Composer

Drag the notes and rests to the staff to create a melody you can playback.




K-2 – Teacher Tool:  Art Supplies (StarrMatica Member Content)

Create collages and design your own works of art with this open ended art palate.  (You must be logged in to StarrMatica to access this content.)




3-6 – Cause and Effect Flip Book

Use the flip book template to create a printable book of causes and effects.




3-6 – Design a Cell Phone

Use your engineering skills to design a cell phone for senior citizens using research and testing.

To learn about more activities for remembering and to discover resources for understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating, sign up for StarrMatica’s free Webinars: Bloom’s Taxonomy for K-2 and Bloom’s Taxonomy for 3-6: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER