This is the third in a series of six posts dedicated to Bloom’s Taxonomy: Teaching Higher Order Thinking Skills with Interactive Online Content. Two previous posts on remembering and understanding can be viewed here and here.
Level Three: Apply
This level includes the skills of solving, illustrating, showing, classifying and completing. These activities require students to use their knowledge in a new situation. Students move beyond basic identification or comprehension and apply their knowledge of one or more concepts to answer more complex questions.
Here are four examples of digital content for applying:
Students select foam letters and letter combinations to shoot into the air where they can join their selections to create words.
K-2 — Classifying Lost Animals (StarrMatica Member Content)
Students sort animals into the correct rooms according to named characteristics. (You must be logged in to StarrMatica to access this content.)
Students apply their knowledge of symmetry to finish symmetrical patterns or to create their own symmetrical drawings.
3-6 — Main Idea Enrichment II (StarrMatica Member Content)
Students read short newspaper articles and apply their knowledge of main idea to write appropriate headlines which can then be compared with the editor’s title. (You must be logged in to StarrMatica to access this content.)
To learn about more activities for remembering and to discover resources for understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating, sign up for StarrMatica’s free Webinars: Bloom’s Taxonomy for K-2 and Bloom’s Taxonomy for 3-6: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER