Meet Emily Starr

Meet Emily Starr

There is never enough time!  As a fourth-grade teacher, I felt the time squeeze every day in my classroom; not enough time to prepare meaningful lessons, not enough time to teach and not enough time to address individual student needs.  Five years into teaching, I was...

Maps Digital Content

Here are five pieces of digital content a teacher might choose from StarrMatica’s library to use social studies manipulatives to foster concept development. Map Maker Interactive Create a customized map! Zoom in to a chosen area of the United States. Then select the...

Earthquakes Digital Content

Here are four pieces of digital content a teacher might choose from StarrMatica’s library to use science manipulatives to foster concept development through visual models. Earthquake Animations Learn the basics about earthquakes with these animations.  ...

Digital Content for STEM

STEM teaching encourages students to solve authentic problems and to collaborate with others to design, build, test, and re-tool until a solution is achieved. A library of content supports this integrated vision of STEM learning with its library design which allows...

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